CNN Feature

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Explore our range of award-winning ice wines.
Winter Harvest Cabernet Franc 2008 (375mL)
Winter Harvest Cabernet Franc 200810.4% alc./vol.Residual Sugar: 236 g/LBrix at Harvest: 38.7Royal DeMaria Wines has established itself as being the finest producers of icewines in the world. Canada's only winery to hold 8 world wine records from seven of the most prestigious international wine comp...
Winter Harvest Gewürztraminer 2009 (375mL)
Winter Harvest Gewürztraminer 200910% alc./vol.Residual Sugar: 241 g/LBrix at Harvest: 37.5Royal DeMaria Wines has established itself as being the finest producers of icewines in the world. Canada's only winery to hold 8 world wine records from seven of the most prestigious international wine compet...
Winter Harvest Riesling 2009 (375mL)
Winter Harvest Riesling 200910.5% alc./vol.Residual Sugar: 260 g/LBrix at Harvest: 39.6Royal DeMaria Wines has established itself as being the finest producers of icewines in the world. Canada's only winery to hold 8 world wine records from seven of the most prestigious international wine competitio...
Winter Harvest Vidal 2008 (375mL)
Winter Harvest Vidal 200810.5% alc./vol.Residual Sugar: 246 g/LBrix at Harvest: 39.4Royal DeMaria Wines has established itself as being the finest producers of icewines in the world. Canada's only winery to hold 8 world wine records from seven of the most prestigious international wine competitions,...